2024 Icons

  1. Ron Ansin
  2. Laphonza Butler
  3. Maki Carrousel
  4. Desmond Child
  5. Margaret Chung
  6. Christian Cooper
  7. River Gallo
  8. Robert Garcia
  9. Rob Halford
  10. Jeanne Hoff
  11. Susan Love
  12. George Michael
  13. Kevin Naff
  14. Fabian Nelson
  15. Yannick Nézet-Séguin
  16. Robyn Ochs
  17. Pat Parker
  18. Mark Pocan
  19. Herb Ritts
  20. Beth Robinson
  21. Richard Schneider
  22. Robt Martin Seda-Schreiber
  23. Jackie Shane
  24. Ari Shapiro
  25. Sam Smith
  26. William Dorsey Swann
  27. Peter Tatchell
  28. Diana Taurasi
  29. Colton Underwood
  30. Luther Vandross
  31. Joel Wachs

Sherry Harris
2007 Icon


b. February 27, 1965

"All real and lasting change starts first on the inside and works it way through to the outside. Politically speaking, each person being the change we wish to see in the world is the only stance that can make a lasting difference. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." 
Believing it impossible to win election as an out lesbian, many people warned Sherry Harris against running for Seattle City Council. In 1991, Harris proved her skeptics wrong. She defeated a 24-year incumbent councilman and became the nation's first openly lesbian African-American city council member.

Prior to politics, Harris pursued a professional career in engineering. In 1980, she received a B.S. in Human Factors Engineering from the New Jersey Institute of Technology. She worked as a project engineer for PNW Bell Telephone Company.

As Seattle City Councilmember from 1992 to 1995, Harris championed downtown interests. She promoted the expansion of the Washington State Convention and Trade Center and supported a downtown symphony hall. A native of Newark, New Jersey, Harris said, "I was raised in a city where the downtown died, and so did the rest of the city."

Harris has worked with Humanity's Team, an organization that emphasizes interpersonal connections. One volunteer who worked closely with Harris said, "She is truly a fine leader demonstrating great passion for humanity's well-being [who] displays uncompromising strength of character."